VirtuAl Production Training

Virtual Production Courses

Virtual Production is a cutting-edge field that combines the power of game engine and real-time visualisation tools with camera tracking, lighting, and creative set design to capture visual effects more efficiently. Applications of VP across advertising, television, film, music video, and interactive gaming have allowed creators to quickly transport sets to different geographies or times of day while maintaining a "real-life" effect in-camera and reducing VFX requirements after production.

The Garden Studios training provides a comprehensive and hands-on education in Virtual Production and Unreal Engine, covering everything from the basics of the technology to advanced techniques and best practices. This training will be suitable for professionals and enthusiasts alike who are looking to expand their knowledge and skills in this exciting and rapidly growing field. Beginners are welcome.

All courses are offered in association with our partners at MetFilm School.

Virtual Production Set At Garden StudiosOne-Day Introduction TO VIRTUAL  PRODUCTION

One-Day Virtual Production is not just a learning experience; it’s a gateway to a future where you wield the tools and knowledge of Virtual Production with confidence. The course goes beyond theory, providing a practical foundation for the future of Virtual Production.

The course will allow you to:
+ Uncover the fundamental concepts of Virtual Production
+ Navigate through the essential technologies and concepts that define Virtual Production
+ Gain insights into the key ingredients such as Unreal Engine, ICVFX, and the Virtual Art Department

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Virtual Production Stage at Garden StudiosThree-Day Virtual production training course

Over the course of three days, students will gain a robust understanding of Virtual Production and Unreal Engine, covering the full spectrum, from foundational principles to advanced techniques. The course goes beyond theory, providing a practical foundation for the future of Virtual Production.

The course will allow you to:
+ Acquire comprehensive knowledge of Virtual Production and Unreal Engine
+ Engage in practical, hands-on training with industry-standard tools and technologies
+ Gain insights into In-Camera Visual Effects (ICVFX), including nDisplay, Genlock, colour pipelines, and Multi-User functionalities

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